All the crew, most of the families, and some of the luggage now arrived – snow in Canada causing all sorts of issues. You’d think they’d be used to it, but it seemed to take Air Canada completely by surprise. Lots of lending of clothing, but somehow no one interested in my smalls.


After hours of boat chores, and jet lagged wandering around, we were ready to actually have a sail in the afternoon. But first ABC news dropped by to interview Joe “Holywood” Mele for the evening news. The crew in camera shot looked busy doing important things – and after the media left, we finally headed out and pulled the sails up. Tacked out to the “Heads” and the open ocean, through a very busy waterway, and warmed everyone up. Back at the dock and time to climb the mast and finish mast preparation, change the speedo to one that at least thought we were moving, and overall avoided resting by the pool with a beer.


Dinner for all at house hq (which overlooks Rushcutters bay) was a splendid affair – not sure the wine helped with jet lag though.