Boxing day started out sunny and breezy as the crew headed to the boat in Rushcutters Bay. The club was teeming with sailors loading race boats, navigators dashing to the next weather briefing, and families seeing off their loved ones. The start area of the harbour was cordoned off – 3000+ pleasure boats were out watching the 90 competitors start and head out of Sydney Harbour. The start line was pretty intense as we fought for a good start in the front row, which we managed. Big sloppy seas ensued as we exited the harbour through the “Heads”, set a spinnaker, and settled down for the first night of the race. Sail changes were needed through the night as we made our way down the coast, with a strong breeze astern of us – plus the Eastern Australian Current (from Nemo fame, but no turtles dude!) gave us a couple of knots push. Curry dinner kept us in good spirits as the sun set.
Our first day’s run in these windy conditions, 212NM. Avg speed 8.3kts. A record race pace for Triple Lindy.
Love to all our 3 Lindy family and friends.