Finally the rent a truck arrived – almost 24 hours late, but hey that saved us the parking charge overnight. Off we set for the journey to Nakuru along the Uhuru highway. First bit took us through the sprawl of Nairobi – dodging mini-buses and big trucks coming at us from all directions, then the traffic thinned out a bit – mini buses to the Rift Valley, trucks on their way to Uganda, and 4wds on their way to the parks. Climbed up through forested areas to the escarpment looking out over the plains, 4,000′ below. Bit of a cloudy day so no pictures. Roadside stalls selling sheepskins and oranges, plus mystery sacks of something, then down the escarpment to Nakuru, passing other lakes on the way.
An evening in Nakuru is probably similar to one in Burnley – not a lot to do, and full of aggressive stallholders trying to flog you a giraffe. Actually that last bit rarely happens in Burnley. Somehow have managed to be put in the presidential suite at the hotel, but that’s not saying much – the president apparently needed a dining and living room, and a rock hard bed all shabbily decorated, with plenty of street noise all night.
Off to Nakuru National Park next….