Well today was interesting. It was 35C at 10AM and never got any cooler until a southerly ‘buster’ came through. The nav boys knew it was coming and Brad checked the airport online and they had 30 knots from the south. We were barely moving at 5 knots under sunny skies at the time. But you could see it moving across the inner Harbour towards us. Comanche was practising nearby with a code zero and got it furled just before the breeze hit… would have been a mess. We headed out the Heads with a single reef and the number three, then did a tack change to a smaller number four when we noticed the square top main gaff carbon batten has snapped, likely on the lazy runner. It was blowing 25-30 solid at the time. By time we got back to the dock a series of thunderheads was rolling through with solid rain squall lines attached and major cloud to ground lightning, it was wild. We were a little skittish as Wild Oats 11!had been struck by lightning a few days ago when the last squall lines came through. All their electronics got fried. We decided to hold off on repairing and heading back out.
A quick debrief then a beer then back to the main house with Napoli pizza in the plan. The ladies are off hiking in the Blue Mountains so just the boys for tonight.

From yesterday’s practice. Sam the man keeping us flying!

Sandy setting the trim on the staysail yesterday!
Kent, Jay and Sammy hiking down the back of the bus!
A damp CYCA deck looking west towards the slips.
The Beast… Tame the Beast but respect the Beast!
Triple Lindy brain trust advising Brad on why his prod is drooping a little… These guys would know ?