We’re now motorsailing with 155nm to Newport having crossed the Gulf Stream early this morning. After a long delay departing Bermuda, due to the wildly pessimistic weather forecasts, we set off Wednesday at dawn, and by 8am were heading out to sea from St. Georges. Up went the delivery main with one reef in and a J4 and we took off in the 20 knot breeze. Two days of 20-25 knot winds, big seas, and warm weather had been fast champagne sailing. Donald held the speed record at 17+ knots, followed by Casey, Pete and Sean in the 16 knot club. Not bad for a delivery crew and delivery sails. Having a full moon through the night was a plus.
Some sealife along the way (dolphins, birds), and the occasional vessel. Crossed the North Wall of the Stream this morning at 5am with squalls, lightning, and lashing rain. Now in cooler waters with little wind, hence we’re motorsailing the last leg. Should be tied up and on our way to various airports by noon Saturday should all go to plan.
It’s been a very enjoyable ocean crossing – fine food, including Lobster Pot’s fish chowder, and gala pies for Pete and Shelagh. Now must dash for tea and a hob nob.