Well Joe actually said we need a thrust washer for the propellor that arrived. The New York propellor fed-x kindly sent to New York, so whilst the delivery time was exceptional, the customer wasn’t quite as delighted as they imagined. A brave new shipping business-model perhaps.

A thrust washer is just a washer in reality. It just costs more as the word thrust isn’t to be sniffed at. Without the thrust washer though, we still romped around the racecourse today with speed and aplomb. Always wondered what aplomb was, but apparently it’s 10 smelly sailors.
The usual dash to the ferry in the morning; dash back to get Gavin out of the bathroom; dash back to the ferry; count heads; find our lost navigator; and generally make the morning commute as stressful as a day in New York – just the way Joe likes it. Being on a mooring meant getting another boat ride, and then no one could wander off, which in the end meant we were an hour early. Sailed off the mooring and headed out into the ocean, with a fresh breeze, clear skies, and warm w. aters – what’s not to like. The Race Committee decided to set a downwind start today – just for giggles. Our chute flew up, and off we set, boats all around. Past the Seal Dogs”, other “Dogs”, Spanish Town, The Baths, and finally out round ”Ginger Island”, so called because of the red haired tribe that lives there (or maybe I made that bit up). Spinnaker to Jib top, back to spinnaker, gybe and finally #3 jib. Which blew up. Nice to have a sailmaker on board – but this was beyond his many talents. Change now to #2 and a reef and the boat felt better, much better. Bit of a bear away to a Rolex mark, and final beat up to the finish with the crew hiking hard and singing “Happy Talk” on the rail.
All done for today, just one more thing, Peter C didn’t want his new nickname to get back to Bermuda. So if you’re reading this from Bermuda look away now.