Yesterday was a remake of the Wizard of Oz… the part where the witch melts, declaring, “melting”… “melting”. And yes, we did look like flying monkeys. We tried to get the sails on the boat before high-noon and the heat wave hit but we failed miserably. It was brutal. We finally moved the boat closer to the ramp and a dockie helped me load while Joe watched. I am now 5’ 2”. And we are sure you folks still dwelling amongst the snow and ice think we are nuts but we would have traded by late afternoon. We managed to get the AC working but kept tripping the power way back up at the dock office. After 4 tries we gave up and simply drank tons of water. By end of day the cruising sails were back on (we will use these for the MOB practice and similar) and all is starting to look like a real sailboat once again.

The biggest take-away from the day was to know that we can cook the 3 Christmas turkeys and ham by putting them in the Lindy container for 20 minutes, perfect! 

For tomorrow we hope to sail, at least get the southern compass swung. It hangs upside down for some reason.

Melting monkey! Partly due to still wearing a sweater under my Lindy shirt.

Lindy in the gorge, sails on, almost ready to go.

Beau Geste back from practice racing…she came in 2 hours after Wild Oats XI


Coolest power yacht ever… 90ft., tri-maran does 60 knots on foils that immediately and automatically account for the seastate independent of one another…


Wild Oats all XI wrapped up

Santa driver…