Am getting very comfortable living in Schipol airport now. At first the language barrier was a challenge but over the days have progressed from hotfredommer and alsterblieft to discussions on philosophy and speed skating. Today changed jobs and am no longer a cleaner – air traffic controller 2nd class now. It’s not a difficult job – my duties are to advise all flights calling in that they can’t do whatever they are asking – can’t push back, can’t land can’t takeoff, can’t complain.

Dutch life isn’t so bad – your feet get broken into the wooden shoes. This time of year its wooden wellies. The cheese no longer tastes of congealed rubber bands and of course already au fait with mayonnaise with everything. One day I may return to Gatwick or even Bermuda, but my heart and probably my luggage will always be in Amsterdam.
Be dank Piet Pete Ramsdale