2016 Rolex Sydney-Hobart Race

Day 4 (Thursday)

Grey, grey, and as bit more grey as the sun didn’t come up. Light air overnight allowed boats behind to catch up until there hit the wind hole as well – soon though the breeze built back to the 20’s and again we were sailing along at a good pace. As we closed the Tasman coast, boats started appearing  from all directions, converging on the famous "Organ Pipes" cliffs. We gybed several times in really confused seas to line up…

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Sydney to Hobart Update 2

Subject: Race Day 2 (Tuesday) Lots of sail changes through the night as the breeze shifted and lightened. As the sun came up we found Rory and Joe in the engine changing belts for some reason. This delayed the first coffee of the day to the chagrin of the crew. Breeze eased off until midday when it started building again – we’re currently mid-afternoon running along at 11 knots with an A2 spinnaker, staysail, and full main set. Tonight Boeuf…

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Sydney Hobart Day One

Boxing day started out sunny and breezy as the crew headed to the boat in Rushcutters Bay. The club was teeming with sailors loading race boats, navigators dashing to the next weather briefing, and families seeing off their loved ones. The start area of the harbour was cordoned off – 3000+ pleasure boats were out watching the 90 competitors start and head out of Sydney Harbour. The start line was pretty intense as we fought for a good start in…

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Training Day 6 – Saturday

The last day getting ready, tomorrow (crimble day) is a rest day to goof off, and then boxing day is early bubble and squeek (it’s an English boxing day tradition of culinary mastery) then off to sea.   Pete spent the day at the Victoria Hospital undergoing all sorts of tests – in the end they decided I was grumpy and tall. Oh and sinusitis, or was it appendicitis (they just put it is on the end of words to…

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Final Training Day & Christmas Eve & Hospital Visit Day

Today was all about a final plan to sail through the start area and out through the Heads plus final safety issues addressed, the briefings and meetings for Fearless Leader and Jay as Captain and Navigator respectively. But the ultimate key plan was to go out and practice not pasting the only reef in the middle of the harbour, not run through the spectator fleet (3,500+ boats) and try and not be over early as they do not inform you…

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