2017 Rolex Middle Sea Race

Middle Sea Race – Finish!

We crossed the finish line Wednesday morning after 8 to be met on the dock by the amazing support team of Lindy wives. Through the night we worked the boat mile after mile – very windy, wet and rough, but we were in a three way race for the Class win. One of the boats turned back for shelter briefly and as he owed us time on handicap, put us definitely in second, with a Russian boat vying for the…

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Day 4 downwind

After nearly all upwind sailing so far, dawn brought us in sight of the Sicily shore. An amazing coastline to sail along – looks well worth a visit. As we turned the SW corner of Sicily up went the spinnakers. Broke one on a gybe so up went another. As the wind built in squalls we switched to a poles out jib and could head straight for our next island to round. Wind now up to the 30s and we’re…

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WAVES! Big upwind day for Lindy. Rounded the volcano Stromboli in the middle of the night and then headed toward north shore of Sicily passing through small islands on the way. The strength of Swan yachts was evident as we fell off a 30 ft wave in free fall- no damage to the boat after that huge crash, interior looked like the remnants of a student party, and crew have bumps and bruises. Plenty of boats near us for the…

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Day 1 Sicily

Great start! Off the line with the leaders as the gun boomed from the ramparts above. A pretty impressive harbour to set off from. A short spinnaker run outside the breakwater, then a turn to starboard and point to Sicily where we arrived in the late evening. Now struggling along in very light winds, but our efforts are being rewarded by passing other boats. Crew happy, full of stew, and for once warm.

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Rolex Middle Sea Race Update Early 23 Oct

Greetings Triple Lindy family and friends. The Middle Sea race is certainly living up to its reputation as an event with beautiful surroundings (and no we don’t mean Giancarlo) and a variety of conditions to test even the most experienced sailors. The crew has enjoyed the atmosphere around Malta, and the sailing has been superb. On Saturday, our start took place in the Great Harbor of Malta. We were able to get good position on the 24 boats in our…

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The Straits of Messena

Day 2 and made good progress through the night in very little breeze. Goose winging the wind seeker sail worked well despite Sean’s hatred for the sail. Running up the channel between Sicily and Italy has been great sailing with great views of shoreside villages, towns and of course Mt Etna This evening have our sights on Stromboli for our next mark of the course, and expecting Mistral big breeze at midnight.

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Ready for the off

Lovely crew dinner with the ever fabulous support team in the heart of old Valetta. Weather this morning looks promising for a reaching start in the Grand Harbour under the cliffs. All looks very tight for 120 racing yachts. Looking forward to a safe and fast rounding of Sicily.  

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The Maltese invasion is underway

Bags are being packed, boarding passes are being printed, and journeys started to get the crew and support team to Malta in time for this weekend’s Rolex Middle Sea Race. The race is Malta to Malta, which makes it very easy for the navigator, and saves the support team the logistical challenge of moving. For the last 8000 years, Malta has had to deal with the Phoenicians, Romans, Moors, Normans, Sicilians, Spanish, Order of St. John, French and British. It…

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