Voiles de St. Barthélemy- Day 1

First day of the regatta – at the boat 3 hours before the start to finish a couple of small projects, and head out to the racecourse with plenty of time to test a couple of the legs and confirm the sail selections. We were the third class to start and headed out on our 29 mile race round a variety of islands and rocks. Soon we were getting water across the deck as we bucked the choppy waves. Up…

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Relaxing in Gustavia

Two days of offloading equipment and spares, ticking off boat jobs, and packing race sails, and we are ready to go yachting as the Australians would say. Tomorrow is a full day of practice with the entire crew, who have finally all arrived. Then race 1 on Monday.

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Sorting out the dehydrated food for the race

One of the many interesting tasks in race prep is sorting out the dehydrated food – 4 meals a day for 15 hard working sailors. As this involves a spreadsheet for calculations of calories, weights and volumes, Pete was entrusted to sort his out. If the calculations are wrong, there’ll be 14 hungry sailors looking for someone to blame. At least Pete can hide on he foredeck as no one wants to go up there…

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