Lullaby of the farting hippos

Up early and packed for the flight to the Mara. As the bridge over the Brown River had been washed out in the massive flood in February, it was a 40km journey over the bumps to get to Samburu international airport….

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On the prowl for cats

A lie in to 6am this morning as we were off for a full day in the park with Daniel and Sammie.
The plan was to head over to Buffalo Springs Park, which was 25km away, but would drive around Samburu park a bit first….

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Screech-screech-shreech …

The East African Fire Alarm Bird, so named as it imitates a smoke detector at 100db, made its presence known outside our room at 2am. With lungs like that you’d think it was the size of an Ostrich at least – but likely the size of your thumb. …

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24 Hours in Africa

Everyone should experience 24 hours in an African city at some stage in their lives. The assault on the senses, the raw energy, the sea of humanity – it could never be described as dull….

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Bacon Butties and Bargaining

Gill doesn’t like flying – the old joke is that her arms get too tired. So night flight to Gatwick put her in a good mood for Berts Always Reliable Taxi’s Ltd. to not show up for the dash to Heathrow….

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Day 17

Am getting very comfortable living in Schipol airport now. At first the language barrier was a challenge but over the days have progressed from hotfredommer and alsterblieft to discussions on philosophy and speed skating….

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