Patiently Waiting…

Just waiting for the 2021 season to start – race after race has been scheduled, then cancelled. Handficap certificates have been issued, crew licences acquired, and the boat has been prepared, and prepared, and then prepared…. We’re ready to go, and hoping that there is pent up demand for racing.

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I’ve bought nothing!

Arrived in France a week ago to stay in the lovely “Taylor Towers” at Chateau-Neuf de Grasse, not far from Cannes. After advising Andrea that we were now used to being greeted on arrival with hot towels and fresh fruit juice, what met us at Nice airport? The Taylors with hot towels and orange juice – it’s the only way to arrive!

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Speed bumps

Note quite sure the purpose of speed bumps – when they are the smoothest bit of road for miles you can actually drive faster.

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If it’s Flamingoes why isn’t it Rhinoes?

Love the whole bureaucracy of Nakuru National Park – you queue and pay for park entry in US$ and car entry in KSH. For that you get a receipt and a smart card loaded with your money. 10 yards later you hand them both over, and get another receipt back – then you are into the park. It must make sense to someone.

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Sheepskin & Oranges

Finally the rent a truck arrived – almost 24 hours late, but hey that saved us the parking charge overnight. Off we set for the journey to Nakuru along the Uhuru highway.

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Hippo Alarm Clock

Hippos do make a reliable alarm clock – the farting, belching, and harumphing starts every morning outside the tent at 4am. Then they hit the snooze control…

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Tea in the Mara

A long day planned today – down to the Mara to see if we could see a crossing of Wildebeest – not sure what they were thinking of crossing them with….

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