Gill doesn’t like flying – the old joke is that her arms get too tired. So night flight to Gatwick put her in a good mood for Berts Always Reliable Taxi’s Ltd. to not show up for the dash to Heathrow.
The new terminal 5 is still a terminal after all – same degree of glamour taking your shoes off for the security check as elsewhere. BA Lounge cheered Gill up no end – the nice chap who checked us in bumped us up on the flight to Nairobi, and they were serving bacon butties for breakfast.
Arrived in Africa late at night – felt good to be back as we bumped across a dimly lit city and arrived at the Hilton.
Spent the day shopping for more carved animals – apparently there’s no limit. At one stage Gill handed over to me mid-bargain, and I converted her 3 at 1,600ksh each to 5,000ksh all in. Gill avoided the first entrance to the Nairobi Central Market as that’s where the butchers stalls are, and she hates the smell. I had to laugh as one of the stallholders took her to his shop to finish a transaction, and led her straight through butcher central. Oh the sights and smells.
Tomorrow we head out early flying north to the sub-Sahara region of Samburu.