
And so it starts

With Patrick’s arrival at the Goslings party last night, the team is finally assembled. A day on the water to run through the safety list was accomplished, including fitting the emergency rudder – an engineering feat in flat water, so not sure how that would work in reality. Lot’s of chores today, and the plan is for several hours on the water getting the rig tuned for the race and the electronics calibrated. The idea (mine anyway) is to get…

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2012-06-18 Newport Race Update

  1. Triple Lindy crossed the finish line in the Newport to Bermuda race at 2150 EDT 18 June, completing the fastest Bermuda transit the boat has ever seen. We enjoyed the sailing experience and had a lot of fun with the diverse crew we had aboard. Thanks for your help in getting us ready, and cheering us along the way. 2. Right now, we are transiting from the finish line on the North East side of the island around…

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2012-06-17 Newport Race Update

1. Greetings all! It has been a noteworthy day afloat. Triple Lindy cleared the main body of the Gulf Stream by 1800 last night. Our Gulf Stream passage was rough, but presented no problems. The always dynamic stream waters had steep waves, confused cross seas, and several rain squalls. The water had more of a greyish tint, probably due to the cloudy conditions, and we saw numerous flying fish jumping in and out of the waves, one hit Kent in…

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2012-06-16 Newport Race Update

1. We had a busy morning keeping Triple Lindy on track headed for our Gulf Stream planned entry point. We expected based on our speed, that we’d get into the Gulf Stream flow at 1300 today. This turned out to be pretty accurate. Between 1100 and 1300 we saw water temps go from low 70’s to 78, and then by 1415 up to 80.6. As you may see on the race tracking site, our speeds reflect an ever increasing push…

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2012-06-15 Newport Race Update

1. Greetings Triple Lindy family and friends! We had a beautiful New England day for the start of the Newport-Bermuda Race. Fresh northeast breezes and sparkling skies contrasted with the busy scene of boats milling aroiund Narragansett Bay as each class prepared for their start sequence. It was very special to have Triple Lindy’s own spectator fleet following us on the water. Former crew member Scott Perrin was a tremendous host to the Mele family, and friends, bringing his powerboat…

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I’ve bought nothing!

Arrived in France a week ago to stay in the lovely “Taylor Towers” at Chateau-Neuf de Grasse, not far from Cannes. After advising Andrea that we were now used to being greeted on arrival with hot towels and fresh fruit juice, what met us at Nice airport? The Taylors with hot towels and orange juice – it’s the only way to arrive!

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Speed bumps

Note quite sure the purpose of speed bumps – when they are the smoothest bit of road for miles you can actually drive faster.

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If it’s Flamingoes why isn’t it Rhinoes?

Love the whole bureaucracy of Nakuru National Park – you queue and pay for park entry in US$ and car entry in KSH. For that you get a receipt and a smart card loaded with your money. 10 yards later you hand them both over, and get another receipt back – then you are into the park. It must make sense to someone.

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Sheepskin & Oranges

Finally the rent a truck arrived – almost 24 hours late, but hey that saved us the parking charge overnight. Off we set for the journey to Nakuru along the Uhuru highway.

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