Arrived in France a week ago to stay in the lovely “Taylor Towers” at Chateau-Neuf de Grasse, not far from Cannes. After advising Andrea that we were now used to being greeted on arrival with hot towels and fresh fruit juice, what met us at Nice airport? The Taylors with hot towels and orange juice – it’s the only way to arrive!
Andrea had set us up with apartment viewing, and on Monday we started our tour of 8 apartments. By the end of the week we’d made an offer on 114 Rue d’Antibes, and we’re now in the process of paperwork etc. to get the keys. Within 15 minutes of closing the deal, Gill was overheard bemoaning as she window shopped “I’ve not bought anything this trip”. Andrea kindly pointed out – “the apartment?”.
As usual this part of france is delightful – lots of restaurants, small villages, lunatic driving, fresh bread, cheeses from unusual animals, and the usual range of mid-August weather (deluges, winds, and the need for fleece).
Big thanks to Ian and Andrea for putting up with Gill, being such gracious hosts, helping with the apartment, and not screaming too loudly as Pete drove on the wrong side of the road.