There are a few drawbacks to having big ears – being mobbed by women thinking you are the latest James Bond being one of course. On Safari there is the danger of being mistaken for a number of animals, the ability to pick up the drone of a billion flies (your own personal vuvuzela), and finally the sheer quantity of dust you can carry in them.
We had two long games drives with John in the posh land Cruiser, staying relatively near to the camp.
Not long after we started the morning game drive we came across park rangers. Out we got and went for a walk to get up close and personal with white rhinos. It was pretty amazing to be close enough to touch these enormous animals. They seemed pretty uncorned and carried out munching away and we took pictures and gawped. Hard to top that really, but we tried – lioness and two cubs pretty much did it – she was trying to clean them whilst they helpfully jumped all over her and bit her ears, chased her tail, and generally acted as you’d expect two month old cubs to behave. Another lioness slept nearby whilst we enjoyed the scene. Finished the day having to detour round sleeping elephants on the track – looked like a multiple pile up of jumbos – legs and trunks everywhere.