Up early and packed for the flight to the Mara. As the bridge over the Brown River had been washed out in the massive flood in February, it was a 40km journey over the bumps to get to Samburu international airport. Tired and dusty we arrived in plenty of time so sat and chatted with the guides and park rangers about the upcoming vote on the new Kenyan constitution – designed to allow the people to throw out unscrupulous politicians. We were shocked to hear about the flashy cars, big salaries, and all the trappings – thank goodness that doesn’t happen at home.
Just the two of us on the plane for the first hop to Nanyuki – the girl co-pilot flew the leg and we landed as if there were 2 minutes to go for the sale at Harrods. The chap pilot flew the next leg to the Mara at a much more subdued pace – now will a full complement of yakking tourists, yelling above the engine noise about house prices in michigan, divorces, and geanelogical procedures.
Met in the Mara (actually just oustide) by the very spiffly kitted out Fairmont staff and theirt quite posh Land Cruisers. met John our driver for the next few days, and we were quickly whisked to the spendours of the Mara Safari Club, and our tent next to the river. When I say tent I mean canvassed hotel room complete with indoor and outdoor shower, four poster bed, fridge, etc. etc. Very very nice place, and the belching hippos in the river add a certian ambiance. Sitting in the library writing this – all dark wood and comfy seats – just grand!
John took us out for a game drive in the afternoon, and we were soon a loooong way from the Lodge. Met up with three lionesses with three cubs just snoozing in the grass – then on to four lionesses finishing off a fresh wildebeest. Took plenty of pictures, and watched for a long time before we started back. By now the sun was going down and it was getting cold. It took an hour to get back – by now wrapped in masai blankets and regretting coming out in shorts and t’shirts. It was dark by the time we pulled into the lodge – a hot shower thawed us out in time for the outside dinner to chill us again. On return to the room Gill was happier than if we won the lottery – hot water bottles in the bed!!! Fast asleep to the lullaby of the farting hippos.