A lie in to 6am this morning as we were off for a full day in the park with Daniel and Sammie.
The plan was to head over to Buffalo Springs Park, which was 25km away, but would drive around Samburu park a bit first. The morning was clear and bright, and soon we were on the trail tracking cats.
First up was a Cheetah on the prowl – Gill’s eyesight paying dividends again. The cat was quite far away, but we took some long distance pictures and then watched it head deeper into the bush. Next up and just round the next acacia tree was a leopard on a rock. Quite a big rock and quite a big leopard. This one had grown out of the cute stage, and when he gave you a look, you knew he meant business. Took lots of pictures and watched him have a good nap, and then head off to murder something, or climb a tree for a siesta, such is the life of leopards.
A loooong, bumpy, but not too dusty drive later we were over in Buffalo Springs – a vast expanse of lava fields, and barren ground, scattered with acacia trees and scrub grass. Animals were hard to find, but we tracked down the remaining Cape Buffalo in the park (most had died in the recent drought), and a large herd of Elephant who were having a good old mud bath. A picnic on a hill was followed by the drive back. As rain started to fall, Pete helped Sammie lower the metal roof of the van by smacking it on his head (Pete’s head!). One very sore scalp later and we were back into the park and on the hunt for more cats – but the rain had driven everyone indoors. Dinner tonight we were presented with a “long-stayers” cake, complete with candles and sing song. Tomorrow off to the Mara.