Another day, another calm morning. Bacon and eggs and truly wonderful Italian coffee got the day rolling along. After a few hours on the water waiting for the breeze to kick in, and after a pleasant swim, we were back in a start sequence for a coastal race. Good start mid line, and a discussion of rules with a British boat who got a fully Johnny Mac explanation of some of the finer points, and we were off upwind. Despite being one of the smallest boats in our class, were were 6th at the first mark. A quick spinnaker set later and we were romping downwind and past rocks and islands – all very scenic. Back upwind on the far side of the island and made our only mistake of the day by heading a bit too far away from the shore (minor error). Then along to the finish in a dying breeze with a final double gybe for the line.

Back ashore now, and getting ready to celebrate Joe having yet another birthday – suspect it will be quite a night. Results (23 yachts) – 5 & 7 so far.