The fuel for a yacht is the wind, and here we were mounted on a Formula 1 racing machine with only rubbing alcohol for fuel! A light wind race then, after the terror and thrills of the recent Sydney-Hobart crossing. The week spent with coach Andreas was excellent and definitely helped our focus on the racing, especially moving the crew around to balance the boat at all times, even if it meant waking crew to have them move bunks or sleep on the floor. The week also helped greatly in our understanding of the performance of each of the 18 sails. Our new “Joe-zero” mast head furling jib was a great weapon in this race and really helped in the light conditions. The race has three chapters.
The start to the Gulf Stream. Another good start for the Lindy Team as we lined up with the big boats for the 630 mile ocean adventure. As they start the fast boats last, we spent several hours catching and passing the slower boats before we had clear ocean ahead. This leg was cold, then at night – cold and damp. Couldn’t wait for the Gulf Stream.
Gulf Stream Once in the full current we experienced the usual wind against 5 knot current leading to square waves and a very uncomfortable ride. It was at least warmer now. Couldn’t wait to get through the Stream.
Stream to Bermuda The water smoothed out and then we had light and variable conditions for a full day, with countless sails changes and constant tweaking to keep the boat moving along. The boat is simply amazing how it catches the smallest zephyr and accelerates. Now very hot and meals down to peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. Couldn’t wait to arrive in Bermuda and have a cold beer.
We were in a pack of 6 boats trading places throughout the race – behind the super fast boats ahead, and the following pack of slower boats. The boats around us helped keep us focused on racing, no matter our being tired and sore- good close racing.
Arrival to an empty marina (nice), cold dark and stormies (nicer), pizza (really nice) and the support team (the nicest).
A big thanks to Brad, Tory, Giancarlo and AJ for being patient instructors, to Joe for making these events happen, and the entire Lindy sailing and support team without which none of this would be half as much fun.
And we got Giancarlo to the airport on time for his wedding in Rome.