Previous reports of us being out of the wind vacuums may have been premature. However, we seem to be keeping this great ship rocking as fast as she can in smooth flat seas, 4k of breeze, with a combination of wind seeker, occasional J1, or J0 use, depending on the random angle a cloud here, a cloud there, brings us.
Just a few moments ago, we were treated to a dozen or so dolphins playing around our keel and bow, while a picture perfect sunset went down on the horizon. With our good friends Christopher Dragon just a few hundred meters off our bow, and another half dozen around, we have great references and motivation to keep playing this silly game.
On a negative note, as we cruise along, we have run into a few reminders of how we humans are not very good shepherds of our great oceans, and I for one have seen one two many (that is, more then 0) balloons floating around. Keep it clean folks.
With that, I can hear the boar picking up a bit more speed, and a slight chime of a winch being run. All good signs we will eventually join our family and friends in Bermuda, some time this month 😉
– 3L Crew, all working on some great tans