Air Canada delivered most of the remaining crew today, only Rab is left in the land of moose and maple syrup- he arrives tomorrow. Air Canada should really be one of our sponsors – they are really doing a good job in training our crew for sleep deprivation, which will benefit them in the race. They do this by simply ignoring the pre booked and purchased comfy seats, and slotting them randomly around the plane and in some cases I’m told, in the overhead bins.
Anyhows they arrived and we all head down to the boat like excited schoolchildren. The boat is something else, very well prepared by the amazing Brad, and when unleashed from the dock, became a nervous racehorse. We ran through various jibs and two chutes on this 3 hour introduction sail, and we got a sense of what we had in store. It will be fast, wet, noisy, and did I mention wet. This will be less a sail and more a swim to Tasmania.
As the crew is a mixture of Canadians, Americans, Australians, and an Italian and a Brit/Bermudian, language is a challenge.
Tomorrow the real learning begins.