Nic is coming sailing with us in the next day or two, Joe is selling helming positions ?
Hot and humid and overcast, but still melted…
Great to meet Ed Cesare, he and Jay hung out and sorted all things Nav. Joe and I butchered various tasks but the list is shorter. Brad sorted through major stuff and Disco and Giancarlo set the fittings in the carbo mast for the reaching strut, a big job. Billy from North Sails spent the morning adding chafe patches and other fixes and adjustments to our upwind sails.
Never made it out sailing as the wind crapped and we had too much stuff to do anyways.
The Clipper boats started arriving, 22 crew each, good golly! We walked downwind of one and oh my, must have been a tough ride.
Pictures to follow: Giancarlo and Disco set the track for the reaching strut on the carbo mast; our new cutlery, a spork… wait for it… titanium; the Clipper yachts have lots of netting to catch helmspersons washing overboard while Joe has gone with simple crew redundancy; Raffa is cooking at the main house tonight with bruschetta, major league prawns and risotto!
Crew party on for tomorrow, sorry some of our Novi riffraff will miss it!